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  • EMGS


    In orthopaedic medicine, many diagnostic tools exist to help our physicians find the diagnosis that leads to the treatment plan that gets our patients back to the healthy, active lifestyles in which they thrive.

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  • Does your child need to see the doctor?

    Does your child need to see the doctor?

    As autumn approaches, children are trickling back into their fall athletic endeavors. It seems like a lifetime ago that the soccer, baseball, and football fields were teeming with brightly colored uniforms and flying objects.

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  • ESI


    While joint replacements, arthroscopies, spinal surgeries, and local anesthetic procedures are happening in some of the operating rooms at The Orthopaedic Surgery Center (TOSC)

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  • It's Time to Quit

    It's Time to Quit

    As we talk about the different aspects of our general health that can affect our orthopaedic care, cigarette smoking is important to consider. Smoking has greatly decreased in popularity

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  • Diabetes and Orthopedics

    Diabetes and Orthopedics

    American medicine is broken into a variety of specialties allowing the patient to get the most experienced and knowledgeable care. Orthopaedics is our bread and butter, but all specialties

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  • Orthopedically Pregnant

    Orthopedically Pregnant

    Expecting mothers deal with a wide variety of symptoms over the nine months of pregnancy. Though most of those symptoms are addressed specialists at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin!

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  • Dupuytren’s Disease

    Dupuytren’s Disease

    In the realm of hand hindrances, one of the more debilitating pathologies if left untreated is the dreaded Dupuytren’s Disease. Dupuytren’s is the build-up of thickening collagen in the palm

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  • Feet Flaws

    Feet Flaws

    Not long ago, I had a casual conversation with someone who joked about the state of their feet. They claimed they could never be a foot model (who can?) due to this bump or that lump or that atrocious-looking toe.

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  • Returning to Activity

    Returning to Activity

    As COVID-19 precautions gradually lift, society is starting to get back into the swing of things. Some of those ‘things’ include our long-awaited physical activity like getting our money’s worth from that gym membership

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  • To Brace or Not to Brace

    To Brace or Not to Brace

    It has been a year and a half since we blogged about our Durable Medical Equipment (DME) area. They are the suppliers of all of our prescribed braces and other general medical accessories.

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