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  • Bone Bump Basics

    Bone Bump Basics

    Whether on the hands, feet, or anywhere in between, one of the most common concerns we see are masses and growths of the bones and soft tissue. These ‘lumps and bumps’ can include everything from benign cysts

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  • Guiding You Through The Healing Process

    Guiding You Through The Healing Process

    Today’s blog post is dedicated to the art of physical therapy (PT). Our ATI physical therapy department at our Pewaukee clinic is open from 7:00AM-7:00PM Monday through Thursday and 7:00AM-6:00PM on Fridays,

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  • Caring For Your Cast

    Caring For Your Cast

    Casting and splinting is common practice in the world of orthopaedic care, though not quite as common as twenty years ago. Nowadays, early mobilization while still protecting the site of injury is the typical treatment regimen.

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  • Overview On Osteoarthritis

    Overview On Osteoarthritis

    Arthritis is as legitimate of a diagnosis as any, but seems to come with such a negative connotation. Patients often scoff at the diagnosis and think that something else

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  • Your Skeleton Our Specialty

    Your Skeleton Our Specialty

    Knock knock. “Hello, I am here to take you for x-rays.” Has this ever been your experience at a doctor’s appointment? Have you ever been exasperated because you feel like you have had four sets

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  • Score Better Sports Medicine Care

    Score Better Sports Medicine Care

    As the school year lingers in the near future, fall sports season is upon us once again! Autumn is the busiest time of the year in the world of high school athletics; consequently, Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin

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  • Run Away From The Pain

    Run Away From The Pain

    They say only two seasons exist in Wisconsin: Winter and Construction. Though the construction is prevalent, it is not the only activity happening during the few and far between mild weather months in this great state

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  • Total Joint Replacement Misconceptions

    Total Joint Replacement Misconceptions

    Here at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin, we are on the cutting edge of the newest techniques, which is what allows our board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeons to help you get back home

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  • Spine Support Centered Around You

    Spine Support Centered Around You

    This blog post comes to you from OAW’s Spine Center! Here at Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin, we have a wing of our clinic dedicated to our spine specialists and the patients they treat.

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  • Care That Is Actually Urgent

    Care That Is Actually Urgent

    Welcome to the first of many blog posts by Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin where “There is a Difference” in how we have treated our patients for over forty years of practice.

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